
The right way to Beat the HUMAN HUNT in MOST DANGEROUS GAME

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Methods to , Learn how to Beat the HUMAN HUNT in MOST DANGEROUS GAME , , c-_qvGRuOgs , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-_qvGRuOgs , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/c-_qvGRuOgs/hqdefault.jpg , 1129408 , 5.00 , Start your city journey in Dislyte as we speak: https://click.fan/Dislyte_NerdExplains Use my promo code: JoinDislyte, meet the ... , 1652546086 , 2022-05-14 18:34:46 , 00:56:28 , UCIOE_IzglfnHyaOYbvpJxjA , Nerd Explains , 36788 , , [vid_tags] , https://www.youtubepp.com/watch?v=c-_qvGRuOgs , [ad_2] , [ad_1] , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-_qvGRuOgs, #Beat #HUMAN #HUNT #DANGEROUS #GAME [publish_date]
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41 thoughts on “

  1. There was case of woman slashed to death in middle of crowd. I know case of guy being stabbed to death in crowd which didn't even notice till attacker was gone. So no, crowds are not too good for safety in situation like this. They are good against rapists and sometimes people like guy from "I know what you did…". Not pro murderers

  2. Find a shipping container and rig it to lock from the inside. Without firearms they would need the Jaws of Life to get into that bad boy. Load it up with a battery pack rated for 24 hours and bring a tablet or laptop, a case of water, and some protein bars and wait it out. Bring a poisoned tip spear to stab at any breaches they are able to create. Better yet, put it on the back of a semi and pay the driver or multiple drivers to drive around the city for the day to prevent them from bringing in hardware to bust it open. Of course this takes prep time and a bit of startup cash, but it's the best solution to the scinario.

    If I didn't have enough prep time for that, I would go to the nearest military surplus outlet and stock up on body armor, knives, and any other personal protection tools. Then I would periotically be going into shops to change my clothes and would wear a mask to make sure that they had to verify targets by getting close and ripping it off before hand. Then start walking the city without heading in the same direction for longer than half an hour grabbing random public transit within the city every so often only stopping to grab food and water from a vendor. Hell, they didn't say I couldn't use my own car so drive around all day making sure to stay in heavy traffic areas to avoid open confrontation. At night I would hit up the night club scene with fresh digs to remain around people. If I was caught I would try and get out of immediate danger and then cause a scene by starting a fight and then running asap.

    Once I found that the game was rigged, I would have immediately gone to the cops. He can't have every cop in his pocket and he just violated the rules by kidnapping my wife. Either he gets arrested and tried, which I have a healthy case for self defense for my crimes, or he is forced to flee. Of course I would have stipulated that that my friends and family remain out of bounds at the start, ensuring a breach of contract upon their abduction.

  3. Are you not allowed to harm the hunters or something? If you can’t kill them then just permanently disable them. When Nixon got hit in the face, he should of just beaten him until unconscious and then break his spine so he will never walk again. That’ll get him out of the game. When the other guy was stuck in the bike, he should’ve just stomped on his leg and break it

    Edit: I just saw him kill Carter so I don’t know how this wasn’t an easy win.

  4. I was rooting for dodge to get killed by nixon the entire time.

    Dodge kept making stupid decisions that endangered innocent bystanders, and he keeps getting saved by dumb luck. He didn't take the game seriously at all, and seemed like he had no plan in place from the get go even though his life was at stake.

  5. so nixon kicks open the door so that it goes inside the toilet and then dodge pushes the door so that it opens outside the toilet that doesnt make any sense

  6. Actually read this as a book in school dude had to survive in a forest for like 3 days not trying to die satisfying ending though it was a bit difficult to figure out what it meant

  7. I think a cool thing to do would be to buy a drone and when you just have a few minutes left before your localisation is revealed to the hunters, you put the phone on the drone and send it a few kilometers away so it just send a fake location and you can run at the opposite side of the freakin city. Technically we CAN separate ourselves from the phone, we just don't want the hunters to find it without us. I don't know how many times that trick would work before the hunters find something suspicous, but it could buy us a lot of time.

  8. A good way to use public places with less of the drawbacks would be to go to a place with lots of children like a park. The hunters would definitely stand out there meaning they would have a harder time sneaking up to you and blending in, and as long as you play it cool you generally don't have to worry about being forced to leave.

    Also, one potentially good time to get into a multi-story building would be during a time when the tracker on the phone goes off, in the hopes of distracting the hunters with searching the building. Just make sure not to stay there too long, or do it too often in case they catch on.

    And when held captive by Reagan the first time, my go to move would be to fake a sudden medical emergency before we get out of sight from anyone. It would force Reagan to move away with the knife to avoid being exposed when others approach, and that could provide an opportunity to bolt.

  9. What id do. Go to an airfield. Rent a chopper. Fly around town for 24 hrs… i know how to take off and fly. Landing on the other hand….. imma need a parachute.

    Although i suppose as soon as they learned im in a chopper theyd just get a drone and ram me.

  10. To be fair. As someone who got vibe checked by a car going a similar speed as the taxi and walking away relatively unharmed (badly bruised but nothing broken) its fairly believable although he'd be in pain. But adrenaline+pain killer would help for the initial half hour or so. Be a bish the next day though

  11. I think this is the stupidest main character in any survival thriller movie I've ever seen.
    He made one singular decent decision over the course of the entire movie but an immediate bad decision completely negated it. This movie is painfully bad and I can't even cheer for the main character with all his stupidity and dumb luck plot armour.

  12. Unfortunately Dodge couldn’t dodge his fate, but did manage to dodge some hunters who were chasing and hunting Dodge for sport. I guess they kind of underestimated Dodges ability to dodge their efforts.
    Yeah, I’m lame. I own it, lol.

  13. Nixon was probably a good guy with to much time and money on hand, thats why when he lost he walked away like nothing happened and even HELPED THE PERSON WHO BEAT HIM. I expire to be like Nixon

  14. The moment with church and ship completely wrecked any semblance of sanity. To make ambush in those places, taking on roles of priest/waitress would require not only very fast movement, but a clear precognition abilities. In some other setting – it could have been worked, but not in a giant city.

  15. Did the rules say anything about getting arrested? If so I would just sit in jail for a bit for a minor crime and sit it out. I doubt anybody in a jail would instantly try to kill me. Maybe in a prison. Idk what crime would be perfect to be locked away for at least 1 day to like a week. I know if you say you are gonna kill yourself most places put you in a psych ward for like 5 days (US). But idk how secure psych wards are compared to prisons.

  16. Wtf didn't realize this video was 56 minites long until i had already watched 53 minutes lol

    It felt like a 20 minute video, good job

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